Valero, P., Gómez, P., Vithal, R. y Denys, B. (1997). Discussion group on under-represented countries in PME: Towards the analysis of mathematics education research communities. PME News, 2, 280.
Last year, the discusion group explored the lack of solid national research comunities in mathematics education as one of the reasons for under-representation of many countries in PME The discusion around this postulatelead the group to conclude that, infact factors suchas the lit lemphas is given tores earch to suport curentcur- ricular changes,the scarceres our cesand litle invest mentof the minresearch projects in the area,the weak comunication in frastructures both in tranational yandinterna- tionaly,among others, are conected to the factthat in many cases the reare few research studies produced,and that they canot easily have a place in PME. Thecon- nection betwen ational resear chcomunities and participation unders tod not onlyas “presentations”in the conferences in the diferent activities of PME as an international study group ar estil worth exploring.