Rodríguez, E. C., Rico, L. y Gómez, P. (2012). Meaning of the part-whole relation and the concept of fraction for primary teachers. En Y. T. Tso. Proceedings of the 36th conference of the international group for the psychology of mathematics education (pp. Vol. 4, 253). Taipei: PME.
The part-whole relation is complex and raises questions that affect different disciplines. Researchers have proposed different interpretations of the notions of fraction and rational number (e.g., Behr, Lesh, Post & Silver, 1983; Kieren, 1976). We highlight three kinds of relations in the study of rational numbers—the part whole-relation, the part-part relation, and the functional relation—through which we organize the different subconstructs of rational number. We claim that the meaning of fractions should be understood through three components: their mathematical structure, their representations and their senses.
ISBN: 0771-100X