Ruiz, F., Molina, M., Lupiáñez, J., Segovia, I. y Flores, P. (2009). Mathematics primary teachers training at the University of Granada. An adaptation to the EHEA. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 17(1), 425-454.
As a response to the challenge set out in the Bologna Declaration , since 2001 over 175 Euro-pean Universities had worked intensively to create the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This project is not only European. In 2004, when the Latin American Tuning Project was created, many latinamerican universities joined this deep reflexion about higher education guided by commom interests such as (a) promoting the compatibility, comparability and competitiveness in higher education, and (b) tailoring programs to the needs of society at both local and global levels (Beneitone, Esquetini, González, Maletá, Siufi and Wagenaar, 2007). Within this context, here we describes an innovative experience in the effort to adapt mathematics education training for prospective primary school teachers to the new directives proposed, within the current Spanish legal framework. We explain the adaptation process and the results obtained within a pilot experience developed in the Department of Mathematics Education at the University of Granada.